It all starts here with you

I’m here with you, every step of the way.




Hello lovely, I’m Sarah.

I’m here to guide you in creating a life where you feel free and empowered to parent in alignment with your values. I whole-heartedly believe that Life is here to support us, and when we're willing to tend to challenging or uncomfortable parenting moments in pursuit of healing and growth, true magic unfolds.

As a new mum, I found myself feeling exhausted, confused, and vulnerable with my baby's crying and sleep (or lack thereof). Traditional beliefs and societal norms, like leaving babies to cry alone or preventing them from crying altogether, just didn't resonate with me.

After extensive research, I came across Aware Parenting, which radically changed my life and transformed our family dynamic. I learned that babies have real feelings, and we can help them sleep through the night while nurturing a secure attachment.

Now, I support mothers with applying and integrating the principles of Aware Parenting, encouraging listening for our babies' feelings (as well as our own) with compassion, empathy, and trust.

During our sessions, I would love to learn about your experiences, your family, and your children. I'm here to help you navigate any challenging aspects of family life, ensuring that your needs are met and your feelings are heard.

Having a space to express all our own pain, resentments and uncomfortable feelings, is a powerful and important part of the Aware Parenting journey, the more we get to express our own feelings the more clear we become about the next steps to take.

I would love to support you in as many ways as I can with practical guidance and empathic listening so your family life can be more calm, loving, connected, and

who is it for?

Supporting mothers expecting and with children 0-3 years, our time together is unconditional love, empathic listening and practical guidance to inform and inspire, as you integrate the theory, to become the parent your heart desires.




 Single Session

Inspiring and transformative parenting session. I hold you in a beautiful, loving and safe space, so you can hold your family.

I can support you with
✶ Reducing night waking
✶ Crying and tantrums
✶ Breastfeeding and feelings
✶ Challenging behaviours (biting, hitting, aggression)
✶ Dummy/thumb sucking/soft toy weaning
✶ Partner/Dad/caregiver becoming more involved
✶ Separation anxiety

1 hour Zoom session + pre-questionnaire followed by
1 week messaging support, for you to feel held as you integrate the session at home.

Investment: $160

4 week Mentoring

More time to connect, reflect and integrate with yourself and with your children. A loving and safe space for you, to feel heard, seen, and be in your full Self.

I support you with
✶ Integrating the theory into practice
✶ Listening to your feelings with unconditional love
✶ Practical guidance and information to inform and inspire

4 x 1 hour weekly Zoom sessions
4 x weeks messaging (60min of response time)

Investment: $590

3 Month Mentoring

Explore deeper layers of your journey, your thoughts and feelings both past and present. I hold you, for you to experience deeper shifts and lasting change.

I support you with
✶ Exploring your imprints and beliefs
✶ Integrating the theory into practice
✶ Deep listening with unconditional love and support
✶ Reclaim your true nature and step into your power

13 x 1 hour weekly Zoom sessions
13 x weeks messaging (60min of response time)

Investment: 3 x $600
Payment plan available

How I can support you
  • Bonding with your baby during pregnancy.

    Preparing during pregnancy for your parenting journey.

    Unpacking your birth story, listening to all of your feelings and baby’s feelings too.

    How to support our babies to express their feelings from birth.

  • What are control patterns and how to respond and navigate them with loving presence.

    Learning how to respond to our babies' tears and tantrums as they grow.

    How we can prevent and navigate challenging behaviours.

    How to navigate our own big feelings during parenting moments and how to respond to ourselves and our children in more gentle, loving and compassionate ways.

    How our partners and loved ones can become more involved.

  • Bonding with your baby and more confidence identifying their needs.

    Identifying your own needs and how to meet both yours and your baby’s needs.

    Identifying our own needs and willingness within the breastfeeding relationship as our babies grow

    How to create a rhythm throughout the day that suits your family's needs.

    Trusting our children to stay deeply connected to their body and emotions.

  • Helping our babies become securely attached.

    Helping our babies to sleep through the night.

    How we can create more joy and ease at bedtimes.

    Creating sleeping arrangements suitable for the whole family.

 Kind Words